the eurocrypt 2013 puzzle page

Find a phrase that you can split in three segments of 11, 9 and 8 characters. Your three segments should satisfy the four constraints stated below (i.e., the 4th character of the 1st segment should be equal to the 3rd character of the 3rd segment and so on).

― ― X  ― ―     ― ―          11 letters

― ― ― ―    ―    ―                     9 letters

―  X ― ―  #      ―                         8 letters 

Once you have your solution (or solutions!) you can post them on the submission site; in the site you can also vote for your favorite solution. Look in your e-mail for your personal link to the site. The e-mail inviting you will have the subject “ec13puzzle submission and voting site”

New solutions can be submitted by the end of the first half
of the rump session (tuesday evening 20:30). Then, based on your votes, a list of finalists will be determined that will be voted on in a final round, to determine the winner of the puzzle competition.

  1. Description and use of a scytale,
       from Plutarch, Parallel Lives Chapter 19, “Lysander”.
       Greek Translation, A. Ragavis, (1865)

   Original text and English translation.

  1. Conference web-site.


send e-mail to general chair:

Aggelos Kiayias

the winner

will receive

a custom scytale ciphertext and the remaining two scytales!

the winner
is determined!